An Introduction to Investments
Does financial industry jargon leave you bewildered and frustrated? Does this frustration leave you reliant on the industry professionals, or worse yet, paralyzed with inactivity?
When the market sells off, the “industry professional” is off on some golf course, while you are stuck holding the bag.
-Foundation for Financial Wellness
Video Transcript
In this module, we’re going to explore the wonderful world of investing. Now, investing can be tricky to understand and even intimidating because with all things in the financial services world, investing has its own industry jargon and lingo. But here’s the thing, every industry creates their own language. And unfortunately, much of the jargon is there to create a false sense of demand for their expertise. In other words, if you don’t understand the language then you have to rely upon the “industry professionals.” To compound the problem, when the market sells off (and they do, that is a healthy part of the economic process), the “industry professional” is off on some golf course, while you are stuck holding the bag.
Now, of course, not everyone in the financial industry is like this, not by a long shot, so it is unfortunate that the few bad apples spoil the barrel.
But, please remember, no one is coming to rescue you. You are responsible for your own financial wellbeing. One component of financial wellbeing is understanding the language and economic laws of money so you can sleep better at night and feel confident knowing what questions to ask. This module is not intended to make you a financial expert, but it is intended to get you thinking about the right questions and keeping the main thing the main thing - your values aligned with your behaviors and investment products.
OK, now a quick review for you to decide if you again have any decisions to make or any actions to take.
Number one - Commit to continuing with our investment lessons.
Number two - Begin thinking through your values, your financial behaviors, and your investment products and take an honest and authentic accounting if all of these three things align.
As always, don’t forget to take advantage of your private counseling session. It’s included. It’s private. It’s confidential, and it’s always with one of our Certified Financial Wellness Counselors. To schedule your counseling session, simply click on the "Request Counseling" button.